So far the pregnancy has been uneventful but full of emotion. I feel Excited....Nervous....Overwhelmed...Anxious.....Elated....and so Blessed! Our baby girl is truly a precious gift and I cannot wait to meet her. We are starting to prep for her arrival and visited Babies R Us for the first time as parents today. My previous trips to the megastore have never lasted longer than 8 minutes. Grab the first thing I see on the registry and high tail it out of the store. But today was different! We spent about 45 minutes analyzing cribs and cribs alone, 3o minutes in bassinets, 15 minutes in the comfy chair section, and about 20 minutes in regular gear. I think the visit to the store really showed us both how this little lady is going to change our life in so many ways.
Yay Wesley!! :D