My Blog's Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to give readers a little insight into the essence of me!  I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures, random thoughts, guilty pleasures, things that annoy me, things that make me happy, my dogs, etc.  My entries will be so varied that you may find yourself saying "who is this girl?".  Well....simply put...I'm Shana....and I am who I am!

I am basically the mass of my contradictions.  I am sensitive, yet strong.  Confident, but sometimes shy.  I'm a busy body, but sometimes lazy and enjoy nothing more than doing nothing at all.  Deeply spiritual, but not religious.  Very Liberal, but often Conservative (Go McCain! LOL!).  Unyielding in my views, yet bendable when a more profound argument is presented.  A die hard feminist, but very traditional at the same time (please open the car door for me).  Insanely independent, but I rely on my husband to catch me when I fall.  Forgiving, although I NEVER forget.  Fitness Fanatic, and French Fry-Aholic.  Intelligent, with the occasional airhead moment.  See, I told you I contradict myself.

In reading my Blog, you may even scratch your head and say "But Wait!  That isn't what she said last week".  And that's okay with me.  This is simply a place for me to air out random thoughts with the world and to share my life with my readers.  Furthermore, you may not agree with my opinions or the stance I take on certain issues and that is your right.  That's why they have that nifty "Next Blog" Icon in the corner.  But if you dare stay, I hope you enjoy.  If anything, you may get a good laugh and we probably have more in common than you think!

All the Best,